This concept was shortlisted for the Design Intelligence Awards 2019.
A salt and pepper dispenser that has solved the age-old problem of clumping. Its ergonomic design allows you to use it with ease and its colour-coded parts allow for easy distinguishing between salt and pepper.
1 week
User Research, Concept generation, 3d Modelling, Rendering, Prototyping
I began by identifying the problem
Traditional salt and pepper dispensers often clump up due to their reaction to atmospheric moisture. This creates a problem when you are trying to use it, but no product comes out. You then have to resort to other measures to get the salt out of the container, hindering your dining experience.

Setting the target audience
People who like to use extra seasoning
Problems that were identified:
Cannot distinguish between the two ( 23.6%)
Loose cap leads to spilling all the product (15.7%)
Becomes a clump near the hole (60.7%)
I conducted a survey to understand the problem better and identify any opportunities for improvement

I generated a list of requirements for the product to possess
A list of requirements was created based on my insights from my primary and secondary research.
- Clumping of content should be eliminated
- Provide a good grip for holding
- Avoid spillage
- Easy distinguishing between the salt and pepper
I generated a few concepts through brainstorming

Presenting the final concept

Next up, making a working prototype to understand form, function and usability
I created a 1:1 scale working prototype by 3D printing the structure, then layering it with putty to give it a smooth finish. This was finished off by painting with a variety of spray paints to give it the texture I intended for my product to have.